Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Children at Play - Mudeford Quay - Dorset - England - ABC Wednesday - A

If you follow my blog Travel Tales you will have noticed my subheading  Life is an adventure which is my life motto these days. Again my followers will know why I feel that life is too short to try and live it in any other way but as an adventure. So that is what I am trying to do by exploring the world near and far and trying to appreciate the world around us as much as I can.

It seems appropriate therefore to use ADVENTURE and APPRECIATE for the Letter A in the ABC Wednesday Farewell Round Twenty.

The Bank Holiday on Monday January 2nd 2017 was a glorious day, cold and clear. I was staying with my daughter and husband in Christchurch for New Year Celebrations so decided it was a perfect day to visit one of my favourite places in the area.

I have today also posted photos of this favourite place Mudeford Quay on my Travel Tales blog. The photos are all different, bar one to those used here today, which I feel encompass children learning to have an ADVENTURE and APPRECIATE the world around them.

It was lovely to see them having fun with not a phone or computer in sight.

ABC Wednesday


  1. Lovely spot and fun photos of children at play ~ which is what we adults should do a bit more of real 'just for fun' ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ahead ~ ^_^

    ps. not easy to lose your husband ~ then to find a way to redefine your self ~ lots of healing hugs to you ~ xox

  2. Wonderful pictures, Children or dogs....great subject.

  3. Too cold for me but I guess they enjoyed it! Diane

  4. Travel is an adventure for me! Love your shots of the kids having fun on the beach.

    abcw team

  5. Temperature is irrelevant when you are a child having fun. Great photos.

  6. The photos of your latest life adventure are precious, especially the 3rd (wrinkled nose upward glance) and 4th (wondrous walk on the beach) one. Blessings!

  7. These happy kids building "something" at the beach! Why is it that they can always find something to play with?? Great theme! A great New Year to you:)

  8. living your life like it is an adventure is, I agree, the best way to approach it.

    Lovely photo's... kids joy is joy for everyone

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

  9. no computers - a capital idea

    rog, abcw

  10. This is so funny -- I visited Travel Tales first and commented on how sweet it was to see the children playing on the beach -- I didn't say so, but the thought in my head was 'with no electronics in sight.' I was definitely on your wave length!

    Keep on enjoying the adventure!

  11. Hello Lindylou,
    sorry I haven't been in a while. Glad to see you are still having adventures. Love your photo's, especially the little boy with his face screwed up. Hope life is treating you well and wishing you a belated Happy New Year! Linda x

    1. Lovely to hear from you Linda, Happy New Year to you also. I am fine and still trying to live life as best I can as an adventure. xx


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