Thursday, March 22, 2012

Apricot Blossom

Photo taken in our garden March 16th 2012.
Today is the first one for this meme which I was invited to join. The idea is to share something that has filled your cup this week.  Well mine is overflowing with gratification for all the wonderful blossom.

Just for Fun Share Your Cup Thursday


  1. We have no blossom on any of our trees as yet. These trees look good.
    I might add it has just taken me 30 minutes to find the blog reader. Maybe it is only the old blogs they have updated but mine is now totally different!! :((( I hate it. Diane

  2. What a beautiful flowering tree! I bet you have lots of wonderful apricots in the summer! Yum! This is a great idea for a meme!

  3. Love your header photo Linda. That apricot blossom certainly is absolutely stunning. I love all the spring blossoms that are now appearing!

  4. Beautiful blossom, so looking forwrd to getting some here.

  5. Lindy Lou, love this post! I too love Spring blossoms and feel such gratification to the Lord for all the beauty he surrounds us with. Thanks so much for coming over and sharing this. I really appreciate it! I hope you will share often. I also noticed that you have visited lots of others that linked with my party. I want to thank you for that also. Your are so kind!

  6. Against a blue sky.. Beautiful, and so inviting to go sit under.

  7. Your cup is overflowing! I love that tree against the sky!

  8. What a beautiful image. I love blossoms. And what a wonderful meme!!

  9. Very nice capture. Love the photo so much.

  10. Hi, Lindy,

    It's me again. Thank you for your visit.

  11. Hi Lindy Lou,
    Oh, how beautiful are the apricot blossoms.
    In Ontario, Canada our Spring blooms have not yet started, a bit early!
    Lovely are yours!
    All the Best,

  12. Hi Linda,

    What a beautiful tree and so laden with blossom. I think that you must be a couple of weeks ahead of us, as the blossom trees here are still in bud, despite the glorious sunshine and heat of this week.

    Unfortunately, blossom doesn't like me in quite the same way, as it is at this time of year that my hayfever is at its worst, grass pollen in the Summer doesn't really affect me at all.

    Lovely shot and you are so lucky to have theses trees in your garden.

    Have a lovely weekend and thanks for sharing.


  13. Exquisite flowers, a delightful picture, I love the atmosphere of spring. Greetings.

  14. they look so delicate and lacy and so plentiful. gorgeous!

  15. Wow! Hazy pink cascade of clouds! Your garden is full of joy of spring. Cheers!


  16. My goodness: What a lot you got.
    Ours aren't even showings buds.


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